Only Harvest the Best

Since animals chosen for harvest will receive an additional pre-portioned amount of grain to their diets, the selection of animals starts a full 6-8 months before the scheduled delivery date. We carefully watch the herd all year long to see which animals are the healthiest, are growing the best, and will be old enough for the scheduled harvest date. It takes 2 years from the time they are born on our farm for an animal to be ready for sale.

Hay Season 2023

All year long our animals graze freely in our pastures and eat as much as they want. During normal spring seasons the first cut of hay will come around the end of April, first of May. However, this year due to an unusual lack of rain in March & April, we took our first cuts of hay at the end of May & first of June. We have cut our hay in two different ways over the years, straight wrapped when the hay is dry or rolled up while hay is still wet and wrapped in plastic to ferment over the summer months. Either way you wrap it the cows always come running when it's being rolled out!

Special Treatment

Each year, due to many different reasons, we may welcome an orphan or two to the house. Daily feedings in the morning and evening create a special bond with the farmer. They may be cute but extra work added to the daily routine makes for longer days making sure they have all the advantages to thrive as those that remain with their moms till weaning.

Bulls enjoy a good mud mask!

As winter ends and spring arrives, the ground begins to thaw and the rains begin to fall. With mushy ground comes lots of mud and on this particular day, I guess a mud mask was in order to help him relax! :)

Born in the heart of NW Arkansas

It has taken many years to have a herd we can be proud to share with our family & friends. All of our herd bulls produce calves that starts off small so the momma has little to no trouble in the birthing process. Once they arrive safely, they start to grow and pack on the pounds quick. It's so fun to see the calves jumping around playing together and enjoying the sunshine!

Several Cold Snaps this Spring

Our cows are curious and friendly and we love spending time around them! This winter & spring there were several weeks the temperature dropped below average and as cows run warm, they appreciated the cooler days! One evening as we were taking a walk, we noticed there was condensation on several of their noses.

Our Farmer is the BEST!

From time to time we will have an early calf drop onto the scene. In the extreme cold times, Kris makes his rounds multiple times a day to make sure every animal is safe & sound before calling it a day. From time to time, there will be a little guy that needs some extra care and warming up in the truck floorboard is a perfect spot to relax and enjoy the heat while not having to separate from the momma for too long. After an hour or so, this guy was warmed up and ready to be back with his momma for his dinner meal.

Challenges in Every Season

It has always amazed me how cows can thrive in such diverse weather patterns and temperatures. From extreme heat to extreme cold, they are built for the challenge. Thankful for a great hay harvest last year that allows the cows to continue to eat as much as they want & produce the milk needed to keep their growing calves healthy.

Late Fall Harvest

Using regenerative farming practices allows all of the animals calling our farm lands home to thrive! Congratulations Gavin for harvesting this good looking guy & for filling your freezer with venison!

Looking a little Shaggy

As the cooler months begin to set in, the cow's hair begins to grow long as well to help insulate their bodies during the winter months. As their hair gets longer, they start looking a little rough. You'll see them covered in lick marks, residuals from a mud bath & poop stains. Don't worry though because as soon as the seasons change, they'll shed all that hair and their black manes will shine like black oil in the sunshine!

Congratulations Gavin & Lynlie Webb

It's not all work around the farm...this past summer 2022, we celebrated the marriage of our son Gavin and his beautiful bride Lynlie. It was a perfect day to witness this union at the bottom of the field overlooking the Illinois River. Surrounded by their immediate family, we welcomed in their next chapter of being husband & wife!

The Banks of the Illinois River

From time to time we get asked a question about our company name. The answer is simple as the beautiful Illinois River runs right through the bottom of our fields, out of Arkansas and into Oklahoma. Kris & I fell in love with the land and we now look forward to many years of growing old together watching our future generations splash & play in this magical place!